Monday, 21 April 2008

Spring is here...

...or nearly so! Taking advantage of this I undertook a Church crawl among the village churches of NW Hertfordshire, and driving along the country lanes in between. I was pleasantly surprised to find three out of four of my 'target' churches open for people to visit and/or to pray in.

The church at Redbourn is typical of many round here, with its massive Norman tower and the flint exterior largely dating from the 15th century. To the right of the church can be seen the very tastefully designed Parish Hall, linked to the church and built in the 1990s. Inside, however, the true age of the church can be seen in the elegant but solid Norman arcades dividing the aisles from the nave. Pace Pugin, I always feel that a Romanesque style is the most fitting for church architecture, speaking of strength, of timelessness, of purity, of endurance...... Here's a photo of the interior.

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